# empty debuginfo %global debug_package %nil %if 0%{?fedora} # Unavailable deps %bcond_with ffmpeg %endif Name: freshplayerplugin Version: 0.3.4 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: PPAPI-host NPAPI-plugin adapter for Pepper Flash # BSD: 3rdparty/angle/* 3rdparty/npapi/npruntime.h 3rdparty/ppapi/* # MIT: 3rdparty/parson/* # MPLv2.0: 3rdparty/npapi/* License: BSD and MIT and MPLv2.0 URL: https://github.com/i-rinat/freshplayerplugin/ Source0: https://github.com/i-rinat/freshplayerplugin/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: ragel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(alsa) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cairo) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(freetype2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gio-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(jack) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libevent) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libevent_pthreads) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpulse) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libv4l2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pango) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pangocairo) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pangoft2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(soxr) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcursor) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrandr) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrender) %if %{with ffmpeg} # hw accelerated decoding disabled BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libavutil) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libavcodec) # Other deps for hw accelerated decoding BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libva) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libva-x11) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vdpau) %endif # from chromium-browser-46.0.2490.71/third_party/angle # Not sure about version Provides: bundled(angle) = 2422 # https://github.com/kgabis/parson Provides: bundled(parson) = 0.0.0 # Unknown version Provides: bundled(ppapi) Provides: bundled(npapi) %description The main goal of the project is to get PPAPI (Chrome) plugins working in Firefox (and any other web-browser supporting NPAPI plugins). It implements a wrapper which behaves like browser to PPAPI plugin and implements NPAPI plugin interface for browser to use. This particular implementation doesn't implement any sand-boxing, which means any malicious code can break through plugin security as there are no additional barriers. This is the same level of security as NPAPI Flash have. Flash plugin for Linux provided by adobe stopped at version 11.2; for chrome/chromium users there is Pepper Flash plugin but it is not supported by Firefox/Iceweasel/other browsers. This package allows one to use the Pepper Flash plugin from Chrome in NPAPI web browsers. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} mv 3rdparty/angle/LICENSE LICENSE.angle mv 3rdparty/angle/AUTHORS AUTHORS.angle mv 3rdparty/angle/README.chromium README.chromium.angle mv 3rdparty/angle/README.md README.md.angle mv 3rdparty/ppapi/LICENSE LICENSE.ppapi mv 3rdparty/parson/README.md parson-README.md %build mkdir -p build CMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%optflags}" export CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ( cd build %{__cmake} -DMOZPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins \ %if %{without ffmpeg} -DWITH_HWDEC:BOOL="FALSE" \ %endif .. ) make %{?_smp_mflags} -C build %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C build # unstripped-binary-or-object strip %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so %files %{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so %doc ChangeLog README.md doc %license COPYING LICENSE %license LICENSE.angle LICENSE.ppapi %doc parson-README.md AUTHORS.angle README.chromium.angle README.md.angle %changelog * Wed Feb 24 2016 gil cattaneo 0.3.4-1 - initial rpm