Name: mongo-java-driver2 Version: 2.14.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: MongoDB Java Driver # BSD-3-clause: src/main/org/bson/io/ # CC-BY-SA-3.0: src/main/org/bson/util/annotations/* License: ASL 2.0 and BSD and CC-BY-SA URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: maven-local BuildRequires: mvn(org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin) BuildRequires: mvn(junit:junit) # Those files are modifications of code included in: # src/main/com/mongodb/util/ Provides: bundle(apache-commons-codec) # src/main/org/bson/util/annotations/* Provides: bundle(jcip-annotations) # src/main/org/bson/io/ Provides: bundle(postgresql-jdbc) BuildArch: noarch %description Java library to connect to the MongoDB document database. %package javadoc Summary: Javadoc for %{name} %description javadoc This package contains javadoc for %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n mongo-java-driver-r%{version} # Cleanup find -name '*.class' -delete find -name '*.jar' -print -delete # Unwanted task %pom_remove_plugin :maven-source-plugin %mvn_compat_version org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver %{version} 2 %mvn_file org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver mongo-java-driver %{name} %build # Test suite disabled; require web connection # Connection refused # com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting to connect. # Client view of cluster state is {type=Unknown, servers=[{address=, # type=Unknown, state=Connecting, exception={com.mongodb.MongoException$Network: # Exception opening the socket}, caused by { Connection refused}}] %mvn_build -f %install %mvn_install %files -f .mfiles %doc %license LICENSE.txt %files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc %license LICENSE.txt %changelog * Tue Jan 26 2016 gil cattaneo 2.14.1-1 - initial rpm