Name: csvjdbc Version: 1.0.29 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Java driver for reading comma-separated-value files License: LGPLv2+ URL: # there's no upstream tarball # git clone git:// csvjdbc # cd csvjdbc && git checkout v1.0-29 && git checkout-index -f -a --prefix=csvjdbc-1.0.29/ # find csvjdbc-1.0.29/ -name "*.class" -print -delete # find csvjdbc-1.0.29/ -name "*.jar" -print -delete # tar -cJf ../csvjdbc-1.0.29.tar.xz csvjdbc-1.0.29 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: maven-local BuildRequires: mvn(junit:junit) BuildRequires: mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:javacc-maven-plugin) BuildArch: noarch %description CsvJdbc is a read-only JDBC driver that uses Comma Separated Value (CSV) files or DBF files as database tables. It is ideal for writing data import programs or analyzing log files. The driver enables a directory or a ZIP file containing CSV or DBF files to be accessed as though it were a database containing tables. However, as there is no real database management system behind the scenes, not all JDBC functionality is available. %package javadoc Summary: Javadoc for %{name} %description javadoc This package contains javadoc for %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} mv src/doc/license.txt . # Unneeded tasks %pom_remove_plugin :maven-gpg-plugin %pom_remove_plugin :maven-javadoc-plugin %pom_remove_plugin :maven-release-plugin %pom_remove_plugin :maven-source-plugin # org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:2.5 %pom_xpath_remove pom:build/pom:extensions %mvn_file net.sourceforge.%{name}:%{name} %{name} %build %mvn_build %install %mvn_install %files -f .mfiles %doc src/doc/* %license license.txt %files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc %license license.txt %changelog * Sat Apr 30 2016 gil cattaneo 1.0.29-1 - update to 1.0.29 * Tue Mar 15 2016 gil cattaneo 1.0.28-1 - initial rpm